Wednesday, March 28, 2007


Yesterday I took advantage of the gorgeous weather,after Abigail woke up from her afternoon nap I strapped her in the stroller and off we went on a walk. I came to the conclusion that although sometimes I wished we lived in the city I enjoy being in the"boondocks" {as Hannah calls it} As I was walking along I was taking in all the sights,you see i took a road i hadn't been down before and I thought what a better time to do some exploring!!! It was so nice to be out in the sunshine with my little girl and the beautiful landscape my Lord had created!!! I found a path that lead to the river and it was the most beautiful picture I had ever seen. The river was crashing against the rocks and from where I was on this plateau I could see miles down the raging river. It sounds cheesy but I thought how cool that the Lord put this beautiful spot practically in my backyard!!! At that moment I was so overcome with gratitude for all my Lord has given me!!!!


Shaun and Holly said...

That is the neat thing about God. He loves us so much that he is always pouring out blessings on us...if we take the time to see. I think God says alot to us with His beautiful creation. I think he gets really happy when we enjoy the things that he has made and has created for our good pleasure! ;o)

Amy said...

I love walking in the boondocks..It's breathtaking.
I also love walking in the "city"--If I get a chance to be by myself, or the rarity of a child being quiet, I love to look at the houses and the cars and wonder who is in them, what kind of family/household they have, and remind myself how VERY MUCH God loves them. I SOOOOO enjoy guessing what is going on in their lives and saying small prayers for a bunch of them.
I am so grateful God blesses us.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you had an awesome God day with your precious little one. It doesn't get much better than that does it?

It must have been so beautiful! He gave you a precious gift!

Shari said...

Walking in the country is great until a big dog comes along. I don't like dogs - especially big ones. You'll have to ask your mother-in-law about our walking excursions in Mexico. We would both carry rocks and a stick. We were eady to lay a beating on anything that got in our way!! lol

I wait for Kevin to do our country walks as no dog would dare to challenge him - Kevin's my hero!!!!