Sunday, March 18, 2007

harsh words equal apology

Jason has brought it to my attention that yesterday's blog was very harsh.
I agree with him. I had been chatting with two family members as of lately and they were really ticking me off,so my way to vent was to put my thoughts out there for the world to see. Hindsight is 20/20. I came off as rude and I feel an apology to my blogging buddies is needed,it was not directed at any of you personally. The Lord likes to keep me humble and this is just another learning experience. I'm thankful I have a honest husband who can give me loving critisism!!!


Amy said...

No apologies necessary...what are friends for if not to vent right?

Vicki said...

I agree ... we know you love us!

Rhonda said...

Ditto. Sometimes it's good to have a safe place to 'let it out'. Then, we pick ourselves up and move on.

We love you Brandy!

Anonymous said...

I'm with them, everyone needs friends to listen to our venting. And we all do it!

Welcome to being imperfect!

Thanks for being real.

Shari said...

Venting is normal and caring husbands are wonderful - I do the first and have the second.

Jen said...

We have all experienced the same unwanted advice...I remember being told in the line up at a pharmacy, when Jonathan was tiny...was he ever?...that my crying baby was tired ( it was late, and these strangers seemed to think I had my baby out too late for a joy ride) I smiled...didn't say much, but felt like saying, "No, My baby is sick, and if you would leave me alone long enough, I would get this prescription filled, and he might feel well enough to sleep!"

We moms-who-have-gone-before, probably are all guilty of thinking our opinion is wanted more than it is sometimes...I try to tell new moms...when ASKED...this is what I did, and it worked for me, but you have to do what works for your family....sometimes it's about what gets you through!

Bless you, and you were speaking out of frustration, we all know that....and we all do it sometimes. Just know, that these advice givers really do think they are helping.
You are a good mom,