Saturday, March 10, 2007


I think it's so incredible,how the Lord created women to be relational beings!!
I enjoy spending time with my girlfriends laughing and sharing stories,especially since having Abigail it's so nice to talk to other moms and have some "me time". I'm blessed with a husband who knows how important it is to have "girl time"!!! I'm thankful to have such a close group of friends that I know will be there in a pinch!!!! Thank You to all my friends,I thank God for each one of you and the unique qualiities you bring to my life. Bless You All!!!


Shari said...

I raise my glass and say "CHEERS to good friends and a wonderfull husband". We are blessed and have so much to be thankful for.


Vicki said...

I have loved becoming your friend! I'm so thankful God allowed our paths to cross!

Love, Vicki